Sunday, February 26, 2023

Review: Vesanus album "Graveyard Tales"

Today, Lachryma Christi brings you a short review for an album from last year, Graveyard Tales, by Italian one-man band Vesanus.

A few days ago, V contacted Lachryma Christi through the actual contact form on the blog page, to share this album. It was released by Kold Cave Production.

Turns out, I haven't heard of Vesanus before. Vesanus has been around since 2009, and he released quite a few things already, and there is even another album released this year already, called Endless Oblivion.

But today, let's talk about Graveyard Tales.
So it is a Black Metal album, apart from the last track Conclusione, which is clearly more in the realm of the dungeon synth.

Graveyard Tales is speedy from beginning to end, very fast and angry riffs and beats, and instrumentally, I find it quite catchy. The riffs stay in your head and are easy to memorise. So even if you are doing something else, chances are you'll get a song or another of Graveyard Tales popping in your head every now and then. And for a good reason, because among other things, it is melodic and well done. 

The voice is different than anything I've heard before, making the whole project more original.
There is a great deal of distortion on everything, which makes it all quite "noisy" without being noise, if that makes sense. 
My favourite track might be Gargoyle.

I can't call it traditional Black Metal, but it brings to mind some stuff that was being made by great bands in the early 2000s. It is quite solid and atmospheric.

If you're curious, check it out:

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