Sunday, February 26, 2023

Review: Ouija latest album "Fathomless Hysteros"

And now, about another band that contacted Lachryma Christi recently, Ouija, Black Metal band from Spain. 

Ouija released their most recent album in December last year. It is called Fathomless Hysteros, and it is a gem.

Ouija have been around for 25 years, or more, and they play a very very melodic and profound Black Metal. 

Fathomless Hysteros has 7 tracks, very elaborated and very professionally executed. Everything is very high quality, from the music compositions, to the production.

If you are into melodic Black Metal, you'll certainly enjoy how Fathomless Hysteros is put together. There is even a ballad, that is the lengthy song of the album, I See You Without Eyes. It is very emotional, angry, slow paced and beautiful. 

But my favourite track might actually be The Fifth Rider.

Don't expect a lot of blast beats in Fathomless Hysteros, don't expect a lot of rawness, but expect a bit of those, combined with beautiful melodies full of emotion, with beautiful and powerful but sad riffs and dragged and sometimes shouted vocals, that make it all a lot more passionate and intense. 

Speaking of vocals, the voice is also a bit different, it's not very high pitched as we have been getting used to hear in this type of music. It's actually quite deep and very impressive. Goosebump material right there.

I like it very much, it brings me a lot of feelings and I'm just sorry I haven't heard it before. I don't always listen to such melodic music, but I still do, and Fathomless Hysteros might be what was missing in my collection. Maybe it's missing in yours too! 

So if you like some melodic Black Metal to get your emotions shaken every now and then, or if you sometimes like to just close your eyes and let everything be, with an amazing explosion of furious and sorrowful melody for a soundtrack, I'm sure Fathomless Hysteros won't disappoint you.

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