Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Review: Stellar Master Elite upcoming album "Hologram Temple"

So Stellar Master Elite, Black Doom Metal band from Germany are releasing a new album called Hologram Temple in only two days (3rd of May), through Unholy Conspiray Deathwork.
This is quite a futuristic album. Not necessary the music, but the lyrics. It covers theories about what humankind reality will be, bearing in mind the development of evolution and technology, as well as when man and machine get together. It also covers artificial intelligence, and the theory of the possibility of us already being living in a hologram. If you ever meditate about this kind of subject you'll enjoy what these guys think and ponder about it, it is indeed very interesting.
Musically, we are listening to some very heavy and dragged Black and Doom Metal together.
Has some electronic sounds as well, which point out the technologic side of the ideas covered in the album.
Track 4, Ad Infinitum, possibly the top track for Lachryma Christi in this album, starts as a proper Doom track, with a voice that makes you feel like you are in space or something of the sort. But is such a great powerful and sentimental track. When you wonder if the song will develop it does, into something even better.
In fact, this happens with the whole album. Each song complements the previous one, and makes the whole release sound better and better as you go through it.
Expect a very cavernous voice, very emotional guitar riffs, heavy drums and electronic sounds that complement everything so perfectly. Black Doom Metal at its best.
Two days to go.

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