Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Interview with Kampfar (NOR)

So, Kampfar. 25 years of existence. 25 years of great music, great Black Metal. 
Their latest album, Ofidians Manifest, just came out on the 3rd of May, after a difficult time for the band. 
You may find a review for the same here:
Lachryma Christi is very pleased with the chance of interviewing Ask about these and other matters. Interesting stuff, intense even, and that's why you should and must keep reading!

Kampfar is a ancient battle cry, is that right? Why did you chose Kampfar as fhe name for
the band?

Kampfar is one of the many names of Odin, it translates to Battle Father, a name one
naturally would use to summon strength when entering battle.

You've been around for so long, how do you see the Black Metal scene nowadays? 

I honestly don’t know, I don’t keep an eye on the so called scene. I like some bands, like
Helrunar, Slegest, and I think the new Gaahl’s Wyrd songs seem promising. But as for the
scene, I was never a big part of it, nor would I want to be. We are individuals, black metal to
me is about individualism, and whatever group mentality that comes into play just turns me

Do you consider that internet brought evolution to the industry?

It certainly changed it, some things for the better, like the access to information and the
ability of anyone to promote themselves freely and get their music out there. On the other
hand, the economy of the music business is pretty fucked, but it’s never been a business
focused on the artist’s best interests anyway.

Kampfar are releasing a new album, Ofidians Manifest very soon, on the 3rd of May.
Lachryma Christi reviewed it recently. For those who haven't heard it yet, what can they

It’s a natural continuation of Kampfar’s path, and a reflection of the last 3 years for us, with
a lot of personal stories and emotions intertwined with the music. As of writing this the
album is out, though, so the best is for people to check it out and make up their own

What is Ofidians Manifest about?

It’s about us, it’s about life and death and everything in between. The rest is to be explored
by those who wish to do so.

Kampfar had a rough time, almost ended even. How did it feel to get back together? How
does it feel now?

Right now we’re feeling strong together. We played one show, on the release date, and it
was a really powerful experience. We have decided to do things differently this time, we’re
turning down a fair share of festival and tour offers, and our focus is on staying healthy and
strong so we can keep on doing this thing.

What are your main inspirations to write and compose? Do you consider they are still the
same influences you had at the beginning?

I think the foundation of everything we create comes from the lives we lead and the values
that we find the most important. So the music comes from that, and we communicate these
things with the skills we’ve built through 30 years of playing our instruments and the skills
we’ve developed in song writing.

What are the main differences you find between the fans and followers you had at the
beginning and the ones you have now? Do you consider the community has changed along
the time?

It’s hard to say, as a music fan is not one type of person. I find that our followers today,
and back in the day, are people who have a strong connection to music, people who play an
active part in their own enjoyment of music and who like to explore and discover all facets
in the music they connect to. For our live shows we see a lot of passionate people, a lot of
energy and power in the eyes of those in front of the stage.

For people who never saw Kampfar live, how would you describe your shows? What can
people expect?

It’s intense, we have one of the best front men in music, period, and we always have the
best sound possible. We try to cover most of our history when it comes to song selection,
but with 8 albums it’s hard to play even half the songs we would like to do.

Do you have already a plan for the near future, after the album is out and after the
promotional shows happen?

We don’t really plan ahead, we just know that there will be a tour later, which we’re
working on, and there are a lot of offers on the table for 2020. Time will tell.

Lachryma Christi hopes to have the chance to see Kampfar live and wishes all the success for the band. Is there any last message you would like to leave to everyone who's reading this  nterview?

Thanks for the support, and come out when we’re playing somewhere near you, it will be
worth it!

Thank you!

Kampfar are:


Read more about Kampfar in:

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