Monday, February 12, 2024

Review: Stuporous' debut album "Asylum's Lament"

Blackened Doom Metal band from the Netherlands Stuporous, released their first album Asylum's Lament last month, on the 25th of January, through War Productions and Void Wanderer Productions.

I find them more Doom than Black Metal, for the predominance of slow paced rhythms, accompanied by the violins and pianos, and even the dissonant distorted guitars we hear  in Doom bands.

I got taken to the 90s or early 2000s for a bit.

However, it is not all like that. Their originality starts properly when Stuporous get very much more aggressive due to the Black Metal side of their music. And they are very experimental as well. 
Also, the singer performs a few different vocals, from soft clean voices to very deep enraged gutturals, which changes the whole scenario.

I can hear jazz influences, and also there are bits that touch the Depressive Black Metal music too, which is very welcome. 
I must say as well that they are very deep and heavy in what comes to the atmosphere, not only for the atmospheric sounds and sad melodies, but in the themes of the songs. 
Their music is very rich, very full. You can tell they have a eclectic background in music, and a great lot of experience.

There are 7 tracks, full of despair, pain, anger, sadness, loneliness, deep emotions. If you follow my reviews, you know that sometimes I take (involuntarily) Black Metal music to an emotional level, and song number 4 Decorating the Willow Tree really did that for me. The intensity and the suffering can be felt just by listening to it. You can almost grab those sensations with your hands.

So, this album is perfect for people who like Doom Metal, as well as Atmospheric and Depressive Black Metal. It is good, it is super intense. And they only made 200 copies, so if you're interested, I suggest you rush a bit.

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