Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Interview: Imperial Demonic (UK)

Tonight, Lachryma Christi brings you an interview with a Black Metal band from the UK, Imperial Demonic.
Imperial Demonic formed in the middle of the confusing time of restrictions due to the pandemic. However, they managed to get their debut release Beneath the Crimson Eclipse, out this year, more precisely in April. 
And by the way, in case you are interested, you may read a review for the same, here: https://lachrymachristizine.blogspot.com/2023/02/review-imperial-demonic-debut-album.html
So, let's get to know them better!

(This interview was originally conducted just before the EP came out)

How did the idea to form Imperial Demonic come about? How did it all start?

I’d always wanted to be in a really extreme band and also have a project that was entirely my own to put my own brand and aesthetic on. I was also listening to a lot of Scandinavian black metal from the 90’s and figured I would try writing my own material. It was over lockdown so there was plenty of time. 

How did the band come up with the name Imperial Demonic?

It was originally just a placeholder, but it grew on me and felt like a perfect descriptor for the bands aesthetic and themes.

How would you define the music you play?

I’d call it melodic black metal, paying tribute to the Swedish bands of the 90’s.

What are your biggest influences to compose the music you compose?

Without question, Dark Funeral, Dissection and Dimmu Borgir. It’s quite obvious from the sound but I wear my influences on my sleeve. Also some modern bands like Der Weg Einer Freiheit, Anaal Nathrakh and Carach Angren.

What are your lyrics usually about?

Satanism, misanthropy and dark fantasy. 

By the time you see these questions, you would have already played Metal 2 the Masses in Northern Ireland (24th of March). How was it?

It was great experience getting our first few shows under our belts and being put under pressure to escalate our showmanship with each gig. That said, we were relieved going back to normal shows with a bit less pressure on us though. 

What about other plans to play live soon, are there any?

We just opened for Bölzer, and will be playing Warhorns Festival in September and Darkness Over Cumbria in October.

You are releasing your debut work on the 7th, an EP called "Beneath the Crimson Eclipse". What can people expect from it?

The EP is unashamedly inspired by 90’s and 2000’s melodic black metal. The songs are all aggressive, straight to the point and catchy at the same time. I wanted the material to obvious and accessible to a degree.

It might be too soon to ask, but are you already working on a full-length?

Yes, I’ve a collection of riffs that I’m building on and the guys that played on the EP have also been contributing their own ideas. The next release will be more of a collaborative effort.

How did the opportunity of signing a deal with Black Lion Records happen?

They reached out to us soon after we released our first single with a very basic lyric video I threw together. They’ve been extremely helpful and their roster or artists made it very obvious that we’d be good fit.

You are a more or less recent band, since you started in 2021. How do you see the Black Metal industry nowadays? What would you advise or suggest to the bands starting just now?

Like every other metal scene or industry, it’s extremely saturated and difficult to stand out. My first advice would be to write music that you genuinely love and believe to be high quality. After that, pay close attention to what way the industry is going in regards to social media or promotion, and see how you can most effectively grow your band.

What is in store for Imperial Demonic for the near future? 

We’re currently writing new material and looking to play bigger shows and festivals!

Is there anything else you would like to share to anyone reading this interview?

Thanks to everyone that’s enjoyed the EP and supported the band and thank you for the interview!

(Photo taken from the band's Facebook page)

Read more about Imperial Demonic here:

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