Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Review: Grievance's recently released anthology "Antologia 1997-2024"

Portuguese one man Black Metal band Grievance released their anthology earlier this month, through Haloran Records.

Anthology 1997-2024 has 12 tracks, which include 5 unreleased tracks, as well as the band's demos. For those who don't know, it is important to say that Grievance wasn't always a one mand band. It is like that since 2011. You'll find more about this information right at the end of this review, as I'm including a tracklist and a lineup for the songs.

I've heard this release already many times, in different stages. So, at this time, it is so familiar, that makes a review more difficult to write, but here we go.

From track 1 to track 5, the songs are all unreleased. The very first one Os Rostos de Belmez is not only unreleased, but also the most recently composed song. It might be my favourite track from this release.

Then, from track 6 onwards, those are the demos of the band.

If you know Grievance, you'll know that there are a lot of lyrics in Portuguese, which is very interesting. Most bands don't do that.
On this anthology, it is not different. You'll find English language here too though, just not a majority.

Grievance's Black Metal isn't the raw traditional style. It actually has a very proper specific style, and that's why it is a band that stands out to me, from the first time I've heard their music. However, the songs still have their blast beats, their fastness, their heaviness, but it is all also very atmospheric, exploring fields that are not very commonly explored. 
Sometimes the guitars can be quite hypnotic, due to repetition elements. Other times, the solos can get quite groovy. There is a whole experimental side to Grievance's music.

Also the themes are quite interesting, as they focus not only, but mostly, on nearby tales and legends.

And it's always important to mention the use of traditional instruments. A very good example of that is track 5 Nas Planícies da Lusitânia. It is an instrumental one. It starts with a Portuguese guitar (for those who don't know, it is a traditional acoustic instrument), then the electric guitar and the rest of the instruments join in. You might notice a little bit of a technical situation with the tuning of both guitars with one another, but as you go along with the song you'll stop noticing it. It is a good track. I like it. It is different, the kind of composition and combination you won't hear often in other bands around.

After these, come the demos. You'll notice the difference in the quality of the sound, which makes sense, since it isn't always possible to remaster again, anymore. 
Tracks 6 and 7 (2007) are very different from the first 5, almost sounding like a different band, as it is a lot less melodic, and a lot more aggressive. Track 7 Lust for Battle, instrumental, is also one of my favourites from the release.

From tracks 8 to 12 (1997), it is even more different, as in production and in composition. These ones are, yes, a lot more raw. In every way. 
However, if you are a fan of Grievance, and if you didn't get hold of their demos previously, this anthology can be a treasure you might want to acquire now. The selection of songs is good, you'll see the band from a different perspective as well. And I suggest you don't take a long time, as only 200 copies were made.

I interviewed Koraxid, the man behind Grievance, two times. The last time was around a year ago. Some questions might be obsolete by now, but in case you're interested, you can still read it here:

And as promised, below the cover you may find the tracklist and lineup.

1. Os Rostos De Belmez
2. Rito De Passagem
3. O Sétimo Templo
4. Perante O Céu Infernal
5. Nas Planícies Da Lusitânea
6. Rotten Empire
7. Lust For Battle
8. Por Entre A Escuridão Outonal
9. Deo Profundae Lucto (Grievance)
10. Apenas O Silêncio
11. Em Memória Do Vasto Passado
12. Eternas Noites de Inverno

Tracks 1-5 "Unreleased Tracks" (2024-2014)
Koraxid - All instruments and vocals

Tracks 6-7 "The New Millenium Sessions" (2007)
Koraxid - Drums and backing vocals
Azarath - Voice and guitar
Ejendro - Bass

Track 8-12 "Por Entre A Escuridão Outonal" (1997)
Koraxid - Drums and vocals

Azarath - Guitar

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