Monday, May 13, 2024

Review: Gig Black Altar + Corpus Christii + Irae, 10th May @ RCA Club (Lisbon, PT)

So, on the 10th of May Lachryma Christi went to this fantastic show in Lisbon, PT. 
The original bill included Ofermod, and didn't have Irae. But for health reasons Ofermod had to cancel, so Irae were added, and some other adjustments were made. Setlists were to be prolonged, and Black Altar was to play some Ofermod songs.

I got a tad late, so I missed a song and a half of Irae. However, I still had the chance to enjoy very much their show. Irae always deliver a very interesting Black Metal, sometimes mixing a bit of that Black 'n' Roll style in their songs, which makes their show unique. 

It was, as always, a very heavy, fast and wild performance, with very interesting lyrics. I've seen Irae live not that long ago, and it is always an amazing show that they put on. Never boring, never too much of the same, always in a vibrant mood. I'd see them again tomorrow, if I could.

They make themselves comfortable on the stage, and that feeling is always extended to the public, making it all feel so familiar and enjoyable. 

After Irae there was this shortish break, and the stage changed for Corpus Christii. There was a banner and all. In fact, the only band who had a banner with their logo, that night.

I've seen them live not that long ago as well, and it is always a pleasure. This time was even better, as they played my favourite track Penetrator, which I hadn't heard in a long while.

The show was neat, serious, with a very engaged public getting along. There were old and newer songs, so I'm sure it matched everyone's tastes and everyone was satisfied.

(I apologise for the giant fan on some of the photos!)

I must say I am always very impressed with the professionalism of Corpus Christii's musicians, no flaws. I very much appreciate their passion and dedication. Including those of Koraxid, session musician on the bass. 

Nocturnus Horrendus took his time to let off some steam in between songs, as we are used to, already. And it wouldn't make sense otherwise.

It was a perfectly delivered performance, as always is.

After Corpus Christii came the most expected band of the night. I have never seen Black Altar live, as most people haven't, since after around 25 years of career, only now/recently they started playing live. So, I wasn't very sure about what to expect. I know they are quite ritualistic and dark, so I was obviously very curious. 

It was a longer set than I was expecting, I confess. It was quite a long show, but I am not complaining, at all.
It started as a black mass, with a lot of candles and incense, there was indeed a "black altar" right on the front on the stage. It wasn't overpowering as it sometimes happens in these shows with incenses, it was actually very pleasant.

The musicians were all with their backs to the public during the intro, as you can see on the first image (which is missing a member, that was "hidden" under he balcony i was on at the begining).

Then when they turned and started playing, indeed the room filled with such an indescribable vibe, it was almost hypnotic.

Their energy is so different and interesting, it is like a proper ritual, besides the music. Obviously the music is the most important part of the show, but all the atmosphere adds a lot to the performance too. Many bands pull the ritualistic show but Black Altar is a different thing, very much real.

Not all of the members, but some of them had covered faces. When you could see their expressions, you could tell how focused they were.
The vocals had a black skull mask, and some other dark ritualistic accessories. So it was very interesting not only musically but also visually.
And, they seemed to not get tired at all! 

One thing I want to point out. I strongly disliked that all bands played with red lights on. I wish there had been some changes even for photography purposes. But that's another story, and the red was indeed very appropriate for Black Altar.

A bit of trivia for you, ex Behemoth member Les was part of this show too.

There were quite a few breaks in between different stages of the show, each break with an interludium where the band would again turn their backs to the public adding to the suspense. 

The public were exultant. And so was I.

On he last photo it is possible to see all the members of Black Altar.

It was a perfect Black Metal night, full of a very interesting energy. I want more nights like these. 

As usual, I like to say that the sound was very good, I didn't even use my earbuds. 

The cleanliness of the space was fantastic, toilets and all. 
The safety was all there as well, both at the entry with checking bags and passing on the metal detectors, but specially while candles were lit, with security people doing their rounds. Impeccable, as always. 

Hopefully more shows like this will come soon.

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