Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Review: Corroding Soul's EP "Nothing"

UK atmospheric Black Metal one man band Corroding Soul released a EP last April, called Nothing.

The EP has 4 tracks, of a very uplifting atmospheric Black Metal. I don't even know if I'd call it atmospheric. It's not raw, it's not traditional, has definitely some atmospheric elements, but I find it different than most atmospheric Black Metal, as it brings more joy and energy.

After listening to Nothing, I feel inspired, energised, motivated. Not sure this is what David was aiming for, but for me it is a good thing. Some Black Metal makes you depressed, other takes you out of depression, other makes you angry, other makes you emotional, and so on. Nothing gave me a boost and I am very happy with it.

I usually name a favourite track when I do a review, here it won't be different. I go with Unveil. But title track is also amazing. So full of strength and power.

This review was long overdue, and my only regret is that only now I managed to get to it. 

So if you like Black Metal with a synth as a very strong background, if you like some more light and melodic Black Metal than not, if you want something to make you feel full of vigor and if you're not very strict about the traditional, then you'll like Nothing.

It is very different from the music I usually get to review, it is also very different from the music I usually go for, but I definitely liked and will listen to it again.

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