Sunday, February 18, 2018

Interview with Kosmogyr (Prague/Shanghai)

Kosmogyr is a Black Metal band, which members are located in Prague and Shanghai. In fact is a duo.
They will be releasing their first album Eviternity on the 9th of March.
We spoke to Ivan and Xander and thet have some very interesting things to say, so we suggest that you keep reading.
A review to the album will come soon too! 

How and when did the project arise and what are the themes or concepts behind the band?

Ivan: Just over two years ago, when Xander and I were at a dinner. We were talking about music, as we often would, and I’d mentioned how I’d been feeling a creative itch to start up a dedicated black metal project. Xander was down to give it a shot, and so off we went. It took us a while, but here we are.

What is behind the name of the band Kosmogyr?

Xander: Let’s save that one for another time.

How would you describe your style of music and how does it fit in with the themes?

Xander: It’s punishing and aggressive, and often quite bleak, but not without hope. There’s respite in the melody and the structures of the songs.

What music or bands are you inspired by and how do they influence your musical output?

Ivan: With metal vocals, I’ve always been drawn to singers who are able to deliver with multiple growling and screaming styles. Guys like Randy Blythe and Trevor Strnad — I’ll take a vocalist like them over a one-note automaton any day of the week. It’s something I’m always conscious of when coming up with the vocal parts for our music.
For the drums, I tried to approach the programming organically. I’m a drummer, but sadly not one with the chops and precision needed to handle this type of music. The beats and fills on the record are what I heard in my head as I listened to Xander’s riffs, and then I’d do my best to transcribe them as accurately as possible. It’s important to me that the drumming is convincing and musical, despite not having been performed by an actual musician.

You’re about to release your debut album Eviternity, What is the album about or what are the general ideas behind it?

Xander: We’d welcome listeners to read along with the lyrics as they listen so that they might create their own sense of meaning for each song. Each listener should be given the opportunity to approach the music on their own terms with as few preconceptions as possible, and so I’d prefer not to contextualize the album.

How long did it take to get to this point and how does it represent what the band is about?

Xander: It’s been a bit over two years since we officially decided to work together on a black metal band. If anything, I imagine that it conveys how ardently we believe in this music.

What are your plans after the release of the album? Tours etc.

Ivan: We’ll do our best to get as many ears on this one as we can, while thinking ahead to album #2. I’d like to maintain our momentum and continue creating more music. Touring isn’t quite something we’re able to do just yet, as we’re just two people half a world apart. However, I’d never rule it out, and we’d absolutely love to have the chance to play these songs live.

How have your ideas or output changed since the beginning if at all?  What is it that you feel more encapsulates the full vision of what the band has been driving towards?

Xander: We’ve been quite set on the structural approach of our songs and aesthetic choices of our sound we wanted from the beginning, and Eviternity is a reflection of these decisions. If anything, we became even more narrowly focused on what the sound of Kosmogyr should be as we worked on these songs.

What is it about the style/genre of music you play that drives you to create it?

Ivan: In the right hands, I find that black metal can be an intensely cathartic experience. I wanted to play a part in creating something that incorporated all my favorite elements from the ways black metal has been interpreted over the past handful of decades.

How important is it for you to gain a more varied international audience?

Ivan: It’s most important for me that the music has a chance to be heard. I’d love for it to be heard by anyone, no matter where they live.

What if any would you say are the differences or similarities of your audience from different countries? Do you have any favourite places to play for example?

Ivan: As a new band about to release our debut album, it’s a bit early on to think about this sort of thing, in terms of a global audience or something like that.
As for places to play, I’ll just say this: nothing beats a post-show meal of Chinese street food and street beers. There’s a legendary club in Wuhan called Vox Livehouse, and the entire street outside the venue is lined with food vendors making the most delicious stuff you can get anywhere in the world at 1am.
I’m getting hungry just thinking about it. China is the shit.

What are the future plans for the band? Long term and short term.

Ivan: We’re just getting started with this, despite having been working on this album for the past two years. I’m open to seeing where it goes, and I’d love to take it as far as we can.

Anything you would like to say to your current or potential future fans?

Ivan: Thanks for giving us your time and attention! I hope we can continue to deliver music that gives you whatever it is that you’re looking to get from it.

Read more about Kosmogyr in:

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