Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Review: Corroding Soul's EP "Nothing"

UK atmospheric Black Metal one man band Corroding Soul released a EP last April, called Nothing.

The EP has 4 tracks, of a very uplifting atmospheric Black Metal. I don't even know if I'd call it atmospheric. It's not raw, it's not traditional, has definitely some atmospheric elements, but I find it different than most atmospheric Black Metal, as it brings more joy and energy.

After listening to Nothing, I feel inspired, energised, motivated. Not sure this is what David was aiming for, but for me it is a good thing. Some Black Metal makes you depressed, other takes you out of depression, other makes you angry, other makes you emotional, and so on. Nothing gave me a boost and I am very happy with it.

I usually name a favourite track when I do a review, here it won't be different. I go with Unveil. But title track is also amazing. So full of strength and power.

This review was long overdue, and my only regret is that only now I managed to get to it. 

So if you like Black Metal with a synth as a very strong background, if you like some more light and melodic Black Metal than not, if you want something to make you feel full of vigor and if you're not very strict about the traditional, then you'll like Nothing.

It is very different from the music I usually get to review, it is also very different from the music I usually go for, but I definitely liked and will listen to it again.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Review: 1349's upcoming album "The Wolf and The King"

1349 bring us a very professional, aggressive, rough, piercing Black Metal, always. 
The Wolf and The King is another example of it. There's perfection in there.

The album is scheduled to be released on the 4th of October via Season of Mist. So, you'll just have to wait a little bit longer to listen to this masterpiece.

The Norwegian traces are all there, you can tell. But regardless where they're from, they want to make the best Black Metal possible, and they do it, no doubt.

The Wolf and The King has 8 tracks, and I'm having a difficulty in choosing a favourite one, because they're all fabulous. The album works as a whole, the songs complement each other, and their brutality is undeniable. However, track 4 Inferior Pathways left all my hair standing on end. That solo is worth millions. 
The track Fatalist as the song that wraps the album, is just the perfect choice. Such a fierce song.

I've never seen 1349 live, I've always wanted to, and now with this album out, I want it even more.

So, The Wolf and The King brings us around 40 minutes of pure Black Metal in it's original shape and form. It is grim, it is rich, it is grinding, it is majestic. I can't find anything I don't like in there. 
If you fancy going back to the primordial times of Black Metal, here is your chance. The thing is, once you listen to it, you have to listen to it on a loop. It's so bloody good. One of the best albums of 2024 for Lachryma Christi, for sure.

Every time a song starts it is so brutal, so fast, so full, so robust, so eloquent, I'm running out of words here.

Even if you don't know 1349, you can tell they have been on this roll for quite some time, and you can understand how they are such an experienced, competent, sharp band. Their music is technical, ferocious, extreme. 

The Wolf and The King is a masterful album. I can't wait for it to be out, so many other people can share the intensity of it!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Review: Seth's new album "La France des Maudits"

Black Metal band from France Seth, released today their new album, through Season of Mist, La France des Maudits. This is their seventh album,

Seth have been around for quite some time (with an hiatus in the middle at some point), and I quite enjoy Seth's music. This album is no exception.

What can you expect of La France des Maudits
Well. It has 8 songs plus a bonus track, all in French Alexandrine. Seth play a more melodic Black Metal than not. This album is also melodic, touching the emotional even. As you can imagine by the name of the album, their songs are quite rebellious and full of anger and fury too. 

When I say their music is melodic, I mean that besides the blast beats and the aggressive riffs and voice full of despair, the songs stick to your head. It is not a raw Black Metal band, and at the same time their songs are not exactly catchy, but the melodies stay with you. You may find yourself humming the tunes hours after you heard the album for the first time.

Seth really know how to make you feel their songs. You feel all the pain, all the hatred, all the wrath. La France des Maudits is a very tumultuous and heated album, and you can fell it right in your core.

There are two tracks that are calmer. The 4th song Dans le Cœur un Poignard is almost like a ballad, as if gradually preparing us for Marianne, which is an instrumental song. It serves almost as a break before they return with more anger, more brutality, more rage.

My favourite track might actually be the one after that, Ivre du Sang des Saints. It brings such a burning feeling.

I was very much anticipating this album, and I'm very happy to hear how it turned out. Once again, Seth showing us how they can make such a passionate and intense Black Metal. 

If you're into this fast and also melodic Black Metal, with keyboards on the background giving even more strength and emphasis to the suffered atmosphere, you'll love La France des Maudits. It's the perfect soundtrack for when you have to let it all out. All your anger, all your pain, all your agony. I loved every bit of it.